The Context

The world we live in has expanded by exponential proportions. So
too must our worldview.

From cosmology to quantum physics, the world we live in has expanded by exponential proportions. From galaxies colliding in the macrocosm to tiny quarks flying in the microcosm of subatomic particles our vision penetrates. As the aperture of our perception has widened, deepened so too must our worldview. For at this same historical moment of unprecedented discovery, we stand also at the brink of a world unraveling. The Industrial era has wrecked havoc on the eco-system of the planet. In our unrelenting pursuit of opulence, the simple staples of life- clean air, drinking water and wholesome food are now luxuries.

World Change

We cannot solve the problems of our time with the same mode of
consciousness that generated the problems in the first place.

Climate change is world change. We cannot solve the problems of our time with the same mode of consciousness that generated the problems in the first place. We can’t continue to respond to an increasingly complex and fast changing world with the same ways of thinking our parents used. Solutions generated on the same level of consciousness as the problem can only bandage. We are called to shift our collective course.

We need to go deeper. The root problem of our unraveling world is an unsustainable mode of consciousness. We need to go higher. Above the confusion of myriad problems in a complex and compounding crisis, there is a level of clarity and insight. This is not mental. True power flows from the ‘vertical’ axis of higher and deeper levels of awareness. We need insights that come from a terrain beyond what we already know, revelations that are saturated with an experience sufficiently profound to change the way we show up in the world. We are called to access the ‘vertical’ dimensions, where deeper and higher states of consciousness have the power to activate –and actuate– extraordinary human potentials.

We are in between worlds. A time of unprecedented challenge and unparalleled opportunity. Those who feel the pulse of the emerging world will move forward as pioneers in a new civilization. They will begin to live in a new terrain, shining with hope, even as the old world crumbles around them. Those who hear the song of a new creation within their hearts will stand unshaken amidst the crashing edifices of an outworn civilization.

Ancient Future

How do we feel the pulse of the emerging world? Not through the mind’s strategy but through the soul’s perception do we feel the contours of the new world. Myths, stories and images have the power penetrate the resistance of the mind to touch the heart directly. As ‘troubadours of transformation’ we are called to give substance to the emerging new visions, images and mythologies that kindle the wildfires of imagination moving us toward positive futures.

This is the mission of ANCIENT FUTURE – a mythic poetic narrative and a ritual theater experience. It is brought forth as an offering of hope and vision at a moment of fear and despair. Our hope does not pretend that we will avoid the dissolution of the world we have known, but rather envisions a new world beyond it. We offer seeds. Cracking open in the fires of destruction, germinating in the dark soil. Seeds of a new civilization.

SEE ‘The Spirit of rEVOLUTION’ article